Food for kids

Are children’s foods lacking vital nutrients?

Are children’s foods lacking vital nutrients?

Childhood nutrition is in the spotlight, with negative stories in the media frequently overplaying the positive. For example, earlier this year another Nestlé baby formula scandal​ came to light, while concerns over the ultra-processing of children’s…

Do film tie-ins boost sales?

Do film tie-ins boost sales?

When you release a new product, you want it to be as eye-catching as possible. What can be more eye-catching than a well-known film character?  Many food and beverage companies, from McDonalds to Kellogg’s, have…

Are kids' food sales declining?

Are kids' food sales declining?

Arguably the ultimate in emerging markets, brands have been capitalising on foods, made specifically for kids, for decades. But are parents turning away from these specially manufactured and marketed products, in favour of meals suitable…

Are kids' food sales declining?

Are kids food sales declining?

Arguably the ultimate in emerging markets, brands have been capitalising on foods, made specifically for kids, for decades. But are parents turning away from these specially manufactured and marketed products, in favour of meals suitable…