fava beans

Plant-based egg separates yolk and white

Plant-based egg separates yolk and white

Unlike plant-based meat and dairy, egg alternatives do not have a strong foothold in the vegan substitutes market. While some egg alternatives do exist – such as cultivated egg Every Co​ and several plant-based eggs…

Plant-based egg separates yolk and white

Plant-based egg separates yolk and white

Unlike plant-based meat and dairy, egg alternatives do not have a strong foothold in the vegan substitutes market. While some egg alternatives do exist – such as cultivated egg Every Co​ and several plant-based eggs…

Can fava beans grow in Europe?

Can fava beans grow in Europe?

Traditionally, fava beans have been used to feed animals. But now, they are sought after for humans because they are rich in fibre and because their high protein content makes them a good alternative to…