Chocolate Scorecard marks down companies over farmer income and pesticide use

The Chocolate Scorecard initiative, coordinated by Be Slavery Free in collaboration with various stakeholders, aims to promote transparency, accountability, and responsible practices within the industry.

By evaluating companies on social and environmental criteria, the Chocolate Scorecard provides valuable information for consumers to make ethical purchasing decisions. It incentivizes companies to improve their performance and sustainability practices.

The chocolate industry is undergoing significant change, but certain aspects, such as farmer poverty, remain unchanged despite being a longstanding issue — Fuzz Kitto, Co-Director of Be Slavery Free

It announced that Dutch disruptor brand Tony’s Chocolonely received the Achievement Award for being an industry leader for five years in a row. Ritter was also acknowledged for overall best practices for a large chocolate company. Original Beans and Beyond Good tied for best overall practices for a small chocolate company, while Chocolate Makers won the Innovation Award.

Retailer Lidl and manufacturer Pladis were named joint winners of the Gender Award for innovation in supporting females in cocoa growing.

The Chocolate Scorecard contains the scoring for 63 companies—large, small, and retailers (on their ‘own brand’ chocolate). The companies are rated in six areas and then given an overall score.

The areas are:

1.         Traceability and transparency

2.         Living income for the farming families

3.         Child and forced labor